Experience and future.

First class: Accuracy at all levels.

The quality of our products always comes first. Our founders defined quality as the main principle in their founding manifest.

All under one roof.

Full of history: Founded in 1902, Ennstal Milch KG today is a part of the Holding Landgenossenschaft Ennstal.

Highest level at both production sites.

Besides the dairy in Stainach Ennstal Milch has a second production facility in Gröbming where the blue veined cheese specialities are made.

The agony of choice: Our range leaves no desires unanswered.

Apart from the classic dairy products Ennstal Milch is innovation leader in the aseptic filling of drinks and desserts. The product range couldn´t be more diverse.

That´s Ennstal.

Regionality to the core.

We always strive for the best.

In the heart of Ennstal.

Astonishing product variety.

First class: Accuracy at all levels.

Since the beginning the 27 founding members determined clear principles to ensure the highest quality of products as possible. From daily baby milk deliveries to Vienna, following the fresh milk supply to the U.S. Army up to the implementation of the fully aseptic CartoCan and glass-filling line – the highest standards of quality are what the success of Ennstal Milch is based on.

All under one roof.

The Landgenossenschaft Ennstal that was founded in 1902 became over time a Holding that consists of 1800 members today.  To this day the Ennstaler farmers own 100 % of the Holding.  The Landgenossenschaft Ennstal composes of four different subsidiary companies: the well-known dairy Ennstal Milch KG, the food manufacturing companies Landena KG and Landena Wels KG, the pet food manufacturer Tiefreund KG and the regional trading company Landmarkt KG.

Highest level at both production sites.

In summary 250 employees work either on the production site in Stainach or in Gröbming. While drinks, desserts and white molded soft cheese are produced in Stainach, the blue veined cheese specialities are made in Gröbming. Thanks to the many years of experience, constant innovation and modern technology we ensure high quality products.

The agony of choice: Our range leaves no desires unanswered.

Apart from the classic dairy products Ennstal Milch is innovation leader in the aseptic filling of drinks and desserts. The product range couldn´t be more diverse. Due to high quality technologies and modern machines we are able to fulfill our customers´ wishes. Our product range steadily grows with our experience.


We leave no desires or questions unanswered.

We have summarized the most frequently asked questions about our company for you here. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact us directly.

The Landgenossenschaft Ennstal that was founded in 1902 became over time a Holding that consists of 1800 members today.  To this day the Ennstaler farmers own 100 % of the Holding.  The Landgenossenschaft Ennstal composes of five different subsidiary companies: the well-known dairy Ennstal Milch KG, the food manufacturing companies Landena KG and Landena Wels KG, the pet food manufacturer Tiefreund KG and the regional trading company Landmarkt KG.

All Ennstal Milch production lines are certified according to international standards. The IFS standard is just as natural as production with Halal certification. A list of all certificates can be found here. When it comes to our ingredients, too, quality is our top priority: from our fresh regional milk to certified coffee, fruit preparations or milk alternatives. One of our specialties is the production of organic products. Whether it be drinks, desserts or soft cheeses - almost every one of our products is also available in organic quality. All about our certifications can be found in the category „Quality Standards“.

Right now 45 % of our employees are women. More and more women decide to work in technical professions which leads to an increase of women in the company.

Do you have any questions? Nothing can replace a personal conversation.

Gabriel Moosbrugger